Mr. Riyoh's Rebuttal to the Bias Media Went Viral Online (Must Watch)

One of the well-known ally and supporter of Mayor Rody Duterte, Mr. Riyoh once again defended the incoming president by making an honest to goodness rebuttal to the bias medias in the Philippines. He also suggested to incoming President to formed a new Government media managed by the national government and supported by netizens and believers of Duterte.

Here's the Viral Statement of Rebuttal by Riyoh on Facebook:

Mr. Riyoh also stated that various news media urged their counterparts to boycott President Rody Duterte unless he will make a public apology, in which he answered by asking the media if the media have apologized for using children on their campaign against Mayor Duterte during the election period.

The viral video of Mr. Riyoh also questioned the way the bias media reported every moves and mistakes of Mayor Duterte and only the reports that may hurt his candidacy was reported but all his achievements were not shown or printed

He also pinpointed Mariz Umali on his rebuttal to the bias media, he noted that a simple gestures of whistling was sensationalized and the mayor was accused of harassment.

Mr. Riyoh also asked Mayor Duterte's administration to have a total control with the media and formed a government media that is not bias. The viral video of Mr. Riyoh have already garnered more than 1.4 million views.

Mr. Riyoh's Rebuttal to the Bias Media Went Viral Online (Must Watch) Mr. Riyoh's Rebuttal to the Bias Media Went Viral Online (Must Watch) Reviewed by Anne Reyes on June 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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