911 Hotline Really Works: Tolits Palencia Shares Testimony on Abandoned Child

President Rody Duterte really walk the talk after numerous testimonies of how the Emergency Hotline 911 really worked and benefited the ordinary Filipino citizens. Although there are no headlines on various news media about the good news, netizens online sharing their 911 stories is indeed inspiring.

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One of the witness of how Emergency Hotline 911 really worked was shared on Facebook by a certain Tolits Palencia who narrated the story of the abandoned child rescued by 911.

According to the concerned netizen, the incident happened at around 9:20 PM as he passed by a child about 3-4 years old and a man along the sidewalk in the area which is not well lighted.

In order to secure the child, the concerned netizen called on the Hotline 911 which was launched nationwide under the administration of Pres. Rody Duterte and the officers who were in-charge immediately ordered to dispatch an officer in the scene.

Approximately 20 minutes later after the 911 call, two officers from TMR Police Station 5 rushed to the scene and investigated the whole incident. The 911 caller even took some photos of the Police officers namely PO1 De Mesa and PO1 Condes alongside their rescued abandoned child.

Here's the Complete Story of Another 911 Testimony:


At around 9:20pm tonight, passed by a child (about 3-4 yrs old) and a man along the sidewalk inbetween my place and a nearby mall. That particular place is not well lighted. I overheard the man asking questions. Out of curiousity, I asked my wife & daughter to turn back to check and intervene w/ the man talking to the child. I found out that the child was abandoned. The man (stranger) took time asking wherebouts of her parents or companions. However confused & scared, the child could hardly talk. Several passersby already took notice and stopped on us.

At this point, I thought this kid should be protected and be in a safe place. I could not just leave her to anybody around. I need to get assistance. So I called up 911 (my 1st time, around 9:30pm). I immediately got connected to an "agent". After some details the agent asked from me, she assured me to coordinate the matter with the Police. She asked me to standby for feedback. After few min. the agent called me back and told me that Police personnel were on their way already to respond. While waiting, my daughter rushed home to get food and drink, the child really looked hungry, tired, and scared.

Approximately 20 min after I made the call (9:50pm already), 2 Police Officers came. I explained what happened and at the same time clarified w/ them the procedures how to address such incident. After their explanation and assurance, turned over to them the kid. Before we parted ways, I asked the Police Officers if I could get their names and took photos of them w/ the kid. Thank you Sirs for your quick response - PO1 De Mesa & PO1 Condes of the TMR, Police Station 5, QCPD.
Mabuhay po kayo!

Good job likewise to Philippines 911 and the agent who took my call!

I can now sleep well, knowing that the abandoned child has already been safe. I could only hope the she will soon be reunited w/ her parents.

Btw, If I may ask those who would be able to read this post, to share this experience/story to inform the public that indeed 911 is working for us. One of us may need to dial these numbers in the future.


Source: Tolits Palencia FB Page

911 Hotline Really Works: Tolits Palencia Shares Testimony on Abandoned Child 911 Hotline Really Works: Tolits Palencia Shares Testimony on Abandoned Child Reviewed by Anne Reyes on August 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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